Robots.txt Generator

Default - All Robots are:  
Sitemap: (leave blank if you don't have) 
Search Robots: Google
  Google Image
  Google Mobile
  MSN Search
  Yahoo MM
  Yahoo Blogs
  DMOZ Checker
  MSN PicSearch
Restricted Directories: The path is relative to root and must contain a trailing slash "/"

Now, Create 'robots.txt' file at your root directory. Copy above text and paste into the text file.

More Free Small SEO Tools

About Robots.txt Generator

Robots.txt Generator: The Not-So-Secret Weapon in Your SEO Arsenal

Let me guess. You're here because you've heard about this little thing called Robots.txt and you want in on the secret. Well, sit tight, because I'm about to lift the veil on the unsung hero of SEO management - the Robots.txt file.

Robots.txt: The Gatekeeper of Your Site's Sanctity

Think of your Robots.txt file as the bouncer at your site's exclusive club, deciding who gets access to your precious content and who gets booted out. Without a well-crafted Robots.txt, you're essentially leaving the back door open for any Tom, Dick, and Harry (or in this case, Bot) to rummage through your site.

Robots.txt Generator: Your Personal Bouncer Trainer

Now, before you start panicking about having to code a Robots.txt file, let me introduce you to your new best friend: our Robots.txt Generator. This handy little tool is about to make your life a hell of a lot easier.

No need for a computer science degree or late-night coding sessions. This baby will churn out a tailor-made Robots.txt file faster than you can say "SEO".

Master the Art of SEO with Robots.txt Generator

All you need to do is input your directives into the Robots.txt Generator, and voila! You've got yourself a custom Robots.txt file ready to keep those unruly web crawlers in check.

You see, with the right tools, even the most daunting SEO tasks become a walk in the park. So, quit wasting time and start optimizing your Robots.txt. After all, you're not in this game to blend in with the crowd. You're here to dominate.

Remember, the best SEO strategy is a proactive one. So stop reacting and start acting with our Robots.txt Generator. Trust me, your site will thank you. Now, get to it, champ. The world of SEO waits for no one.

Sitemap vs. Robots.txt: The Showdown

Alright, folks. It's time for a little face-off between two major players in the SEO world: the Sitemap and the Robots.txt file. Each has their own role in the thrilling saga of search engine optimization. But don't get them confused, because they're as different as night and day.

Sitemap: The Town Crier of Your Website

Let's start with the Sitemap. Think of it as the town crier of your website, proclaiming to all search engines about the tasty morsels of content on your site. It's like a tour guide, leading bots around your site, showing off how often you spruce things up with fresh content.

Its raison d'être? To ensure every precious page of your site gets the attention it deserves from search engines. In simple words, if you want your pages indexed, a sitemap is your golden ticket.

Robots.txt: The 'Do Not Disturb' Sign for Web Crawlers

On the other hand, we have the Robots.txt file, the gatekeeper of your site. This guy is all about setting boundaries for those nosy web crawlers. It's the equivalent of a 'Do Not Disturb' sign, telling crawlers which pages are off-limits.

The key thing to remember? While a sitemap is a must-have if you want your site indexed, a Robots.txt file is optional – unless you have areas of your site you'd rather keep private.

So there you have it. Sitemap and Robots.txt - two different tools for two different jobs. Use them wisely, and watch your SEO game hit the stratosphere.